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ASP 和 ASP.NET 之间的区别
ASP.NET - 服务器控件
ASP.NET - 事件
ASP.NET Web 表单
ASP.NET 维持浏览状态
ASP.NET - TextBox(文本框)控件
ASP.NET - 按钮控件
ASP.NET - Data Binding(数据绑定)
ASP.NET - The ArrayList Object(数组列表对象)
ASP.NET - The Hashtable Object 哈希表对象
ASP.NET - The SortedList Object 可排序列表对象
ASP.NET - Repeater Control 转发器控件
ASP.NET - The DataList Control 数据列表控件
ASP.NET - Database Connection 数据库连接
ASP.NET 2.0 新特征
ASP.NET 2.0 - Master Pages 控制页[主页]

ASP.NET - 服务器控件

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1058 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

Server controls are tags that are understood by the server.

Limitations in Classic ASP

The listing below was copied from the previous chapter:

<body bgcolor="yellow">
<h2>Hello W3Schools!</h2>

The code above illustrates a limitation in Classic ASP: The code block has to be placed where you want the output to appear.

With Classic ASP it is impossible to separate executable code from the HTML itself. This makes the page difficult to read, and difficult to maintain.

ASP.NET - Server Controls
ASP.NET - 服务器控件

ASP.NET has solved the "spaghetti-code" problem described above with server controls.
ASP.NET 解决了“意大利面条式的代码”问题,通过服务器控件就可以实现上面的描述。

There are three kinds of server controls:

  • HTML Server Controls - Traditional HTML tags
    HTML 服务器控件 - 传统的HTML标签
  • Web Server Controls - New ASP.NET tags
    WEB 服务器控件 - 新的ASP.NET标签
  • Validation Server Controls - For input validation
    校验服务器控件 - 针对input 校验用的

ASP.NET - HTML Server Controls
ASP.NET - HTML 服务器控件

HTML server controls are HTML tags understood by the server.
HTML 服务器控件就是些可被服务器识别的HTML标签。

HTML elements in ASP.NET files are, by default, treated as text. To make these elements programmable, add a runat="server" attribute to the HTML element. This attribute indicates that the element should be treated as a server control. The id attribute is added to identify the server control. The id reference can be used to manipulate the server control at run time.
那些在ASP.NET文件的里的HTML元素,在默认的情况下,会以文本的形式处理。要使得这些元素可编程则需要在HTML元素中加上runat="server" 属性。这个属性象征着这个元素应该作为一个服务器控件来处理。加上 id 属性用来识别服务器控件。id 将涉及到在服务器控件运行时操作。

Note: All HTML server controls must be within a <form> tag with the runat="server" attribute. The runat="server" attribute indicates that the form should be processed on the server. It also indicates that the enclosed controls can be accessed by server scripts.
注意:所有HTML服务器控件必须写在含有runat='server'  属性的 <form> 标签内。runat="server"属性不光象征着这个表单应该在服务器上进行处理。还象征着附在上面的控件可以被服务器脚本所访问。

In the following example we declare an HtmlAnchor server control in an .aspx file. Then we manipulate the HRef attribute of the HtmlAnchor control in an event handler (an event handler is a subroutine that executes code for a given event). The Page_Load event is one of many events that ASP.NET understands:
下面的举例我们将在一个 .aspx文件中声明一个HTML锚记。并且我们可以在事件处理器(在给定的事件伤感执行一段子程序)上操作锚记控件的href 属性。Page_Load 事件是许多ASP.NET事件中的一个:

<script runat="server">
Sub Page_Load
End Sub
<form runat="server">
<a id="link1" runat="server">Visit W3Schools!</a>

The executable code itself has been moved outside the HTML.

ASP.NET - Web Server Controls
ASP.NET - Web 服务器控件

Web server controls are special ASP.NET tags understood by the server.
Web 服务器控件是一些可被服务器理解的特殊ASP.NET标签

Like HTML server controls, Web server controls are also created on the server and they require a runat="server" attribute to work. However, Web server controls do not necessarily map to any existing HTML elements and they may represent more complex elements.
就像 HTML 服务器控件,WEB 服务器控件也可以在服务器上建立并且他们也需要runat="server"属性才可以工作。然而,WEB服务器控件不需要影射到任何现有的HTML元素上并且他们可能会表现出更为复杂的元素来。

The syntax for creating a Web server control is:

<asp:控件名 id="some_id" runat="server" />

In the following example we declare a Button server control in an .aspx file. Then we create an event handler for the Click event which changes the text on the button:

<script runat="server">
Sub submit(Source As Object, e As EventArgs)
button1.Text="You clicked me!"
End Sub
<form runat="server">
<asp:Button id="button1" Text="Click me!"
runat="server" OnClick="submit"/>


ASP.NET - Validation Server Controls
ASP.NET - 校验服务器控件

Validation server controls is used to validate user-input. If the user-input does not pass validation, it will display an error message to the user.

Each validation control performs a specific type of validation (like validating against a specific value or a range of values).

By default, page validation is performed when a Button, ImageButton, or LinkButton control is clicked. You can prevent validation when a button control is clicked by setting the CausesValidation property to false.

The syntax for creating a Validation server control is:

<asp:control_name id="some_id" runat="server" />

In the following example we declare one TextBox control, one Button control, and one RangeValidator control in an .aspx file. If validation fails, the text "The value must be from 1 to 100!" will be displayed in the RangeValidator control:
下面的举例将在一个.aspx文件中声明一个TexBox控件,一个Button控件以及一个RangeValidator控件(范围校验控件)。如果校验失败,就会显示"The value must be from 1 to 100!(值的范围必须为1到100之间)":

<form runat="server">

<p>Enter a number from 1 to 100:
<asp:TextBox id="tbox1" runat="server" />
<br /><br />
<asp:Button Text="Submit" runat="server" />
Text="The value must be from 1 to 100!"
runat="server" />

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