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ASP Install

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 4831 ::
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You can run ASP on your own PC without an external server. To do that, you must install Microsoft's Personal Web Server (PWS) or Internet Information Services (IIS) on your PC.

How to Run ASP on your own PC

You can run ASP on your own PC without an external server. To do that, you must install Microsoft's Personal Web Server (PWS) or Internet Information Services (IIS) on your PC.

If you are serious about using ASP, you should have at least Windows 98, Second Edition. 
如果你对使用ASP很感兴趣,那么你必须安装Windows 98 第二版或更高级的版本。(因为低版本操作系统不能支持ASP)

If you are really serious about using ASP, you should go for Windows 2000.
如果你的的确确对使用ASP有浓厚的兴趣,那么你最好安装Windows 2000操作系统。

How to install PWS and run ASP on Windows 95
怎样在Windows 95 操作系统上安装PWS(个人网络服务器)并且运行ASP

Personal Web Server (PWS) is not shipped with Windows 95 !!
在安装Windows 95 时,个人网络服务器(PWS)并不会被默认装载!!

To run ASP on Windows 95, you will have to download "Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack" from Microsoft.
那么,为了能够在Windows 95 上运行ASP文件,你必须先从微软的官方网站上下载“Windows NT 4.0 的可选择组件”(Windows NT 4.0 option pack)

Download the "Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack"
下载“Windows NT 4.0 的可选择组件”

How to install PWS and run ASP on Windows NT
如何在你的 Windows NT 上安装个人网络服务器(PWS)并且运行ASP

Personal Web Server (PWS) is not shipped with Windows NT !!
在安装Windows NT 时,个人网络服务器(PWS)并不会被默认装载!!

To run ASP on Windows NT, you will have to download "Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack" from Microsoft.
那么,为了能够在Windows NT 上运行ASP文件,你必须先从微软的官方网站上下载“Windows NT 4.0 的可选择组件”(Windows NT 4.0 option pack)

Download the "Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack"
下载“Windows NT 4.0 的可选择组件”

How to install PWS and run ASP on Windows 98
如何在你的 Windows 98 上安装个人网络服务器(PWS)并且运行ASP

  1. Open the Add-ons folder on your Windows98 CD, find the PWS folder and run the setup.exe file.
    在你的Windows 98 安装盘上找到“Add-ons”文件夹并打开它,找到其中的“PWS”文件夹并且打开,然后运行这个文件夹当中的setup.exe文件。
  2. An Inetpub folder will be created on your harddrive. Open it and find the wwwroot folder. 
  3. Create a new folder, like "MyWeb", under wwwroot.
  4. Use a text editor to write some ASP code, save the file as "test1.asp" in the "MyWeb" folder.
  5. Make sure your Web server is running - The installation program has added a new icon on your task bar (this is the PWS symbol). Click on the icon and press the Start button in the window
    that appears.
  6. Open your browser and type in "http://localhost/MyWeb/test1.asp", to view your first ASP page.

How to install PWS and run ASP on Windows ME
如何在你的 Windows ME 上安装个人网络服务器(PWS)并且运行ASP

Personal Web Server (PWS) is not included with Windows Me !!
Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me) 不包含也不支持个人网络服务器 (PWS) 的任何版本(1.0、2.0、4.0)。

Read article from Microsoft

A workaround!

How to install IIS and run ASP on Windows 2000
如何在你的 Windows 2000 上安装网络信息服务器(IIS)并且运行ASP

  1. From your Start Button, go to Settings, and Control Panel
  2. In the Control Panel window select Add/Remove Programs
  3. In the Add/Remove window select Add/Remove Windows Components
  4. In the Wizard window check Internet Information Services, click OK
  5. An Inetpub folder will be created on your harddrive
  6. Open the Inetpub folder, and find a folder named wwwroot 
  7. Create a new folder, like "MyWeb", under wwwroot.
  8. Use a text editor to write some ASP code, save the file as "test1.asp" in the "MyWeb" folder
  9. Make sure your Web server is running - The installation program has added a new icon on your task bar (this is the IIS symbol). Click on the icon and press the Start button in the window that appears.
    首先,确认你的网络服务器处于运行状态 — 此时,安装程序已经在你的任务栏当中添加了一个新的图标(这就是个人网络服务器(IIS)的标志)。接着,点击这个图标,在弹出的窗口中按下“开始按钮”。
    打开IIS,依次点击“本地计算机”、“WEB扩展服务”,点击被禁止的“Active Server Pages”,将其设置为“允许”。
  10. Open your browser and type in "http://localhost/MyWeb/test1.asp", to view your first ASP page

How to install IIS and run ASP on Windows XP Professional
如何在你的 Windows XP Professional上安装网络信息服务器(IIS)并且运行ASP

Note: You cannot run ASP on Windows XP Home Edition.
提示:你不能在Windows Home 版本上运行ASP程序

  1. Insert the Windows XP Professional CD-Rom into your CD-Rom Drive
    把Windows XP Professional的光盘放入光驱内。
  2. From your Start Button, go to Settings, and Control Panel
  3. In the Control Panel window select Add/Remove Programs
  4. In the Add/Remove window select Add/Remove Windows Components 
  5. In the Wizard window check Internet Information Services, click OK 
  6. An Inetpub folder will be created on your harddrive
  7. Open the Inetpub folder, and find a folder named wwwroot
  8. Create a new folder, like "MyWeb", under wwwroot.
  9. Use a text editor to write some ASP code, save the file as "test1.asp" in the "MyWeb" folder
  10. Make sure your Web server is running - its status can be checked by going into the Control Panel, then Administrative Tools, and double-click the "IIS Manager" icon 
  11. Open your browser and type in "http://localhost/MyWeb/test1.asp", to view your first ASP page

How to install IIS and run ASP on Windows Server 2003 (Windows .NET Server)
如何在你的 Windows Server 2003(Windows .NET Server)上安装网络信息服务器(IIS)并且运行ASP

  1. When you start the Windows Server 2003, you should see the Manage Your Server wizard
    当你启动Windows Server 2003的时候,你会看到一个名为“管理您的服务器”的弹出窗口。
  2. If the wizard is not displayed, go to Administrative Tools, and select Manage Your Server
  3. In the wizard, click Add or Remove a Role, click Next
  4. Select Custom Configuration, click Next
  5. Select Application Server role, click Next
  6. Select Enable ASP.NET, click Next
  7. Now, the wizard may ask for the Server 2003 CD. Insert the CD and let it run until it is finished, then click the Finish button
    现在,向导程序将请求你插入Server 2003 光盘。插入光盘后,它将继续运行直到程序结束,此时,点击“结束”按钮。
  8. The wizard should now show the Application Server role installed
  9. Click on Manage This Application Server to bring up the Application Server Management Console (MMC)
  10. Expand the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, then expand your server, and then the Web Sites folder
  11. You should see the Default Web Site, and it should not say (Stopped)
  12. IIS is running!
  13. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager click on the Web Service Extensions folder
  14. Here you will see that Active Server Pages are Prohibited (this is the default configuration of IIS 6)
    在里面你将会看到“Active Server Pages 禁止”(这 IIS 6 中的默认配置)。
  15. Highlight Active Server Pages and click the Allow button
    选中“Active Server Pages ”后点击“允许”按钮。
  16. ASP is now active!

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