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设计理念 中的 图片真的比文字更胜一筹吗?

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1587 ::
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Are you amenable to the maxim - a picture is worth a thousand words. If you do, then you are presumed to use more colorful and arty images and not so much with texts.


If you are on the contrary opinion, then you are presumed to believe that a word is worth a thousand pictures. Ergo, your principle is to use powerful words in order to convey ideas and actions.


A word of caution to all designers out there - what is pleasurable to you as a designer may not be appealing to the visitors. This is because they may be having different needs and that needs are the ones that should be answered. The site must make obvious the benefits it is offering to the visitors as well as its call to action.


Images enhance the site's appearance however, they must be coupled with complementing and moving words and contents to make it functional. Do not focus strictly on graphics. Go for copy!


The solution is not the elimination of pictures and images. Considerable amount will be fine so long as the right impression is created. The text can take care of the hunches and doubts. Be sure you answer all of them so as to keep them coming and purchasing.


It is important to revolve around the information they needed. In the first place, people surf to search for information, answers, solutions and motivations. Thus, your site especially the homepage, must entice and catch the attention and seize it and let them be satisfied of what they are staring. Otherwise, they can tend to leave the site in a matter of seconds. We all know that visitors have very short attention span. Moreover, you have to get his attention and interest before that span wanes.


Explain the 'call to action' and give them clear and simple instructions so that they will no longer look for other sites that can satisfy all their wants and needs.


Form is to aesthetics and function is to the content and purpose. If the form is the queen of the websites, then function is its king! The latter must dominate and the former must subordinate. Thus, prioritize function over form because that's where the real action is. It is the way to capture your probable client's heart and choice by the use of persuasive and moving text!


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