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This example demonstrates how to use the GetRows method.
The ADO Recordset object is used to hold a set of records from a database table. A Recordset object consist of records and columns (fields).
ADO Recordset对象的作用是:保留一组数据库表的记录。一个Recordset对象是有记录(行)和字段(列)组成的。
In ADO, this object is the most important and the one used most often to manipulate data from a database.
set objRecordset=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") |
Recordset objects can support two types of updating:
In ADO there are 4 different cursor types defined:
The cursor type can be set by the CursorType property or by the CursorType parameter in the Open method.
Note: Not all providers support all methods or properties of the Recordset object.
Property属性 | Description描述 |
AbsolutePage | Sets or returns a value that specifies the page number in the Recordset object 设置或返回一个用于指定记录集对象中具体页数的长值 |
AbsolutePosition | Sets or returns a value that specifies the ordinal position of the current record in the Recordset object 设置或返回当前记录指针在记录集中具体位置的一个序数 |
ActiveCommand | Returns the Command object associated with the Recordset 返回一个通过Command[指令]对象创建的Recordset[记录集]对象 |
ActiveConnection | Sets or returns a definition for a connection if the connection is closed, or the current Connection object if the connection is open 设置或返回一个通过Command[指令]对象创建的Recordset[记录集]对象 |
BOF | Returns true if the current record position is before the first record, otherwise false 如果当前记录指针位于记录集中的第一条记录之前,则返回True(-1);否则返回False(0) |
Bookmark | Sets or returns a bookmark. The bookmark saves the position of the current record 制定一个书签。该书签将保存当前记录的指针位置 |
CacheSize | Sets or returns the number of records that can be cached 指定允许在本地内存中进行缓存的记录数量。其值必须大于0 |
CursorLocation | Sets or returns the location of the cursor service 设置或返回指针的位置 |
CursorType | Sets or returns the cursor type of a Recordset object 设置或返回了用于打开一个记录集对象的指针类型 |
DataMember | Sets or returns the name of the data member that will be retrieved from the object referenced by the DataSource property 设置或返回一个字符串值,该值包含了从对象(该对象是通过DataSource属性返回的)中获取的数据成员名称 |
DataSource | Specifies an object containing data to be represented as a Recordset object 指定一个包含数据的对象,以作为一个Record[记录集]对象的 |
EditMode | Returns the editing status of the current record 返回一个EditModeEnum值,用于指定当前记录的编辑状态 |
EOF | Returns true if the current record position is after the last record, otherwise false 如果当前记录指针位于记录集中的最后一条记录之后,则返回True(-1);否则返回False(0) |
Filter | Sets or returns a filter for the data in a Recordset object 用于筛选记录对象中的数据的过滤器 |
Index | Sets or returns the name of the current index for a Recordset object 设置或返回当前记录集对象索引的名称 |
LockType | Sets or returns a value that specifies the type of locking when editing a record in a Recordset 设置或返回一个在编辑记录集中的记录时,指定锁的类型的值 |
MarshalOptions | Sets or returns a value that specifies which records are to be returned to the server 设置或返回一个用于指定需要被传回服务器的记录的值 |
MaxRecords | Sets or returns the maximum number of records to return to a Recordset object from a query 设置或返回一个长值,它是用于指定返回到记录集对象中的最大记录数(该记录位于查询语句中) |
PageCount | Returns the number of pages with data in a Recordset object 返回一个用于指定记录集对象中数据页面数量的值 |
PageSize | Sets or returns the maximum number of records allowed on a single page of a Recordset object 设置或返回了一个长值,它是用于指定从记录集对象的一页中上允许返回的最大记录数 |
RecordCount | Returns the number of records in a Recordset object 返回一个长值,用于指定记录对象中的记录数量 |
Sort | Sets or returns the field names in the Recordset to sort on 设置或返回一个字符串值,用于指定记录集中需要进行排列的字段名称 |
Source | Sets a string value or a Command object reference, or returns a String value that indicates the data source of the Recordset object 设置一个字符串值,或是一个Command[指令]对象参数,或是返回一个字符串,用于知名Recordset[记录集]对象的数据源 |
State | Returns a value that describes if the Recordset object is open, closed, connecting, executing or retrieving data 返回一个用于描述对象是否已经打开、关闭或正在执行以及是否正在提取数据的值 |
Status | Returns the status of the current record with regard to batch updates or other bulk operations 返回进行批量更新或大量操作的当前记录的状态 |
StayInSync | Sets or returns whether the reference to the child records will change when the parent record position changes 设置或返回一个逻辑值,用于指示当父记录的位置发生更改时,子记录的相关参数是否也需要更改 |
Method方法 | Description描述 |
AddNew | Creates a new record |
Cancel | Cancels an execution 取消执行程序 |
CancelBatch | Cancels a batch update 取消批量更新[batch update] |
CancelUpdate | Cancels changes made to a record of a Recordset object |
Clone | Creates a duplicate of an existing Recordset 创建一个现存记录集的复版(即:复制一个当前记录集) |
Close | Closes a Recordset 关闭一个记录集 |
CompareBookmarks | Compares two bookmarks 比较两个书签 |
Delete | Deletes a record or a group of records 删除一条或一组记录 |
Find | Searches for a record in a Recordset that satisfies a specified criteria 按照具体制定的规则在记录集中搜索一条记录 |
GetRows | Copies multiple records from a Recordset object into a two-dimensional array 将一个记录集对象中的多个记录复制到一个二维数组中 |
GetString | Returns a Recordset as a string 以字符串的形式返回一个指定的记录集 |
Move | Moves the record pointer in a Recordset object 在一个记录集对象中移动记录指针 |
MoveFirst | Moves the record pointer to the first record 将记录指针移动到记录集中的第一条记录 |
MoveLast | Moves the record pointer to the last record 将记录指针移动到记录集中的最后一条记录 |
MoveNext | Moves the record pointer to the next record 将记录指针移动到记录集中的下一条记录 |
MovePrevious | Moves the record pointer to the previous record 将记录指针移动到记录集中的上一条记录 |
NextRecordset | Clears the current Recordset object and returns the next Recordset object by looping through a series of commands 清除当前记录集对象并通过循环执行一系列指令返回下一个记录集 |
Open | Opens a database element that gives you access to records in a table, the results of a query, or to a saved Recordset 打开一个数据库元素,使你可以访问表格中的数据、查询结果或访问一个已存的记录集 |
Requery | Updates the data in a Recordset by re-executing the query that made the original Recordset 通过重新执行对象所基于的查询语句,更新Recordset[记录集]对象中的数据 |
Resync | Refreshes the data in the current Recordset from the original database 刷新Recordset[记录集]对象中的数据 |
Save | Saves a Recordset object to a file or a Stream object 将一个Recordset[记录集]对象保存到一个文件中或保存到一个Stream对象中 |
Seek | Searches the index of a Recordset to find a record that matches the specified values 搜索一个记录集的index[索引],从中查找与keyvalues参数中指定的值相匹配的一条记录 |
Supports | Returns a boolean value that defines whether or not a Recordset object supports a specific type of functionality 返回一个逻辑值,用于指示是否需要让Recordset[记录集]对象支持指定的函数功能类型 |
Update | Saves all changes made to a single record in a Recordset object 将所有的更改信息保存到一个记录集中的记录中 |
UpdateBatch | Saves all changes in a Recordset to the database. Used when working in batch update mode 将所有的Recordset[记录集]更改信息保存到数据库中 |
Note: You cannot handle events using VBScript or JScript (only Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Visual J++ languages can handle events).
注意:你不能够通过使用VBScript 或 Jscript来处理事件。仅可以通过使用Visual Basic、Visual C++以及Visual J++语言来处理。
Event事件 | Description描述 |
EndOfRecordset | Triggered when you try to move to a record after the last record 当记录指针试图移动到记录集中最后一条记录之外时激发 |
FetchComplete | Triggered after all records in an asynchronous operation have been fetched 在记录集提取了所有异步操作程序中的记录后被激发 |
FetchProgress | Triggered periodically in an asynchronous operation, to state how many more records that have been fetched 在异步操作程序中被周期性的激发,作用是为了陈述被记录集获取的更多记录 |
FieldChangeComplete | Triggered after the value of a Field object change 在一个或更多个字段对象被改变之后被激发的 |
MoveComplete | Triggered after the current position in the Recordset has changed 在一个操作程序改变了记录集中记录的当前位置之后被激发 |
RecordChangeComplete | Triggered after a record has changed 在一个或多个记录被更改后激发 |
RecordsetChangeComplete | Triggered after the Recordset has changed 在记录集被更改后激发 |
WillChangeField | Triggered before the value of a Field object change 在一个或更多个的字段对象改变之前被激发 |
WillChangeRecord | Triggered before a record change 在一个或多个记录被更改前激发 |
WillChangeRecordset | Triggered before a Recordset change 在记录集被更改前激发 |
WillMove | Triggered before the current position in the Recordset changes 在一个操作程序改变了记录集中记录的当前位置之前被激发 |
Collection集合 | Description描述 |
Fields | Indicates the number of Field objects in the Recordset object 指示记录集对象中字段对象的数量 |
Properties | Contains all the Property objects in the Recordset object 指示包含记录集对象中的所有属性对象 |
Property属性 | Description描述 |
Count | Returns the number of items in the fields collection. Starts at zero. 返回字段集合中项的数量。起点为0 Example: countfields = rs.Fields.Count |
Item(named_item/number) | Returns a specified item in the fields collection. 返回字段集合中的一个指定项 Example: itemfields = rs.Fields.Item(1) |
Property属性 | Description描述 |
Count | Returns the number of items in the properties collection. Starts at zero. 返回属性集合中项的数量。起点为0 Example: countprop = rs.Properties.Count |
Item(named_item/number) | Returns a specified item in the properties collection. 返回属性集合中的一个指定项 Example: itemprop = rs.Properties.Item(1) |