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The ADO Connection Object is used to create an open connection to a data source. Through this connection, you can access and manipulate a database.
ADO Connection连接对象的作用是:创建一个到数据源的开放式连接。通过这个连接,你可以对数据库进行访问和操作。
If you want to access a database multiple times, you should establish a connection using the Connection object. You can also make a connection to a database by passing a connection string via a Command or Recordset object. However, this type of connection is only good for one specific, single query.
set objConnection=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") |
Property属性 | Description描述 |
Attributes | Sets or returns the attributes of a Connection object 设置或返回连接对象的属性 |
CommandTimeout | Sets or returns the number of seconds to wait while attempting to execute a command 设置或返回等待一条指令执行的时间(单位:秒) |
ConnectionString | Sets or returns the details used to create a connection to a data source 设置或返回用来创建到一个数据源连接的详细设置 |
ConnectionTimeout | Sets or returns the number of seconds to wait for a connection to open 设置或返回等待一个连接打开的时间(单位:秒) |
CursorLocation | Sets or returns the location of the cursor service 设置或返回指针的位置 |
DefaultDatabase | Sets or returns the default database name 设置或返回于指定客户端建立连接的默认数据库的字符串值 |
IsolationLevel | Sets or returns the isolation level 设置或返回事件隔离度 |
Mode | Sets or returns the provider access permission 设置或返回技术提供对象[provider]的访问权限 |
Provider | Sets or returns the provider name 设置或返回技术提供对象[provider]的名称 |
State | Returns a value describing if the connection is open or closed 返回一个用于描述连接是否打开或关闭的值 |
Version | Returns the ADO version number 返回ADO版本号 |
Method方法 | Description描述 |
BeginTrans | Begins a new transaction 执行一个新的处理方式 |
Cancel | Cancels an execution 取消执行一个程序 |
Close | Closes a connection 关闭一个连接 |
CommitTrans | Saves any changes and ends the current transaction 保存所有改变和终止当前处理的信息 |
Execute | Executes a query, statement, procedure or provider specific text 执行一个查询语句、陈述语句、程序或技术提供对象[provider]的详细文本 |
Open | Opens a connection 打开一个连接 |
OpenSchema | Returns schema information from the provider about the data source 返回技术提供对象[provider]关于数据源的schema信息 |
RollbackTrans | Cancels any changes in the current transaction and ends the transaction 取消所有对当前处理的变更和程序的终止 |
Note: You cannot handle events using VBScript or JScript (only Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Visual J++ languages can handle events).
注意:你不能通过使用VBScript或JScript来处理这些事件;你只能通过Visual Basic、Visual C++ 和Visual J++来处理这些事件。
Event时间 | Description描述 |
BeginTransComplete | Triggered after the BeginTrans operation BeginTransComplete 在 BeginTrans 操作之后调用 |
CommitTransComplete | Triggered after the CommitTrans operation CommitTransComplete 在 CommitTrans 操作之后调用 |
ConnectComplete | Triggered after a connection starts ConnectComplete 在 connection 开始之后调用 |
Disconnect | Triggered after a connection ends Disconnect在 connection结束之后调用 |
ExecuteComplete | Triggered after a command has finished executing ExcuteComplete在一个指令结束执行之后调用 |
InfoMessage | Triggered if a warning occurs during a ConnectionEvent operation 如果在执行ConnectionEvent程序时发生错误信息之后调用infoMessage |
RollbackTransComplete | Triggered after the RollbackTrans operation RollbackTransComplete在RollbackTrans操作之后调用 |
WillConnect | Triggered before a connection starts WillConnect在一个连接开始之前调用 |
WillExecute | Triggered before a command is executed WillExecute在一个指令执行之前调用 |
Collection集合 | Description描述 |
Errors | Contains all the Error objects of the Connection object 包含所有连接对象中的错误对象 |
Properties | Contains all the Property objects of the Connection object 包含所有连接对象中的属性对象 |