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Use the GetString() method to speed up your ASP script (instead of using multiple Response.Write's).
Using GetString()
How to use GetString() to display data from a recordset in an HTML table.
The following example demonstrates one way of how to display a database query in an HTML table:
<html> <% set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") <table border="1" width="100%"> <% </body> |
For a large query, this can slow down the script processing time, since many Response.Write commands must be processed by the server.
The solution is to have the entire string created, from <table> to </table>, and then output it - using Response.Write just once.
The GetString() method allows you to display the string with only one Response.Write. It also eliminates the do...loop code and the conditional test that checks if the recordset is at EOF.
str = rs.GetString(format,rows,coldel,rowdel,nullexpr) |
To create an HTML table with data from a recordset, we only need to use three of the parameters above (all parameters are optional):
Note: The GetString() method is an ADO 2.0 feature. You can download ADO 2.0 at http://www.microsoft.com/data/download.htm.
注意:GetString()仅在ADO 2.0中获得支持。你可以通过下列网址下载ADO2.0:http://www.microsoft.com/data/download.htm。
In the following example we will use the GetString() method to hold the recordset as a string:
<html> <% set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") str=rs.GetString(,,"</td><td>","</td></tr><tr><td>"," ") <table border="1" width="100%"> <% </body> |
The str variable above contains a string of all the columns and rows returned by the SQL SELECT statement. Between each column the HTML </td><td> will appear, and between each row, the HTML </td></tr><tr><td> will appear. This will produce the exact HTML we need with only one Response.Write.
上述的“Str”变量包含了通过SQL SELECT语句返回的列字符串和行字符串。每个纵列之间将包含“</td><td>”的HTML代码;在每个横行之间将包含“</td></tr><tr><td>”的HTML代码。这样一来,我们只需要使用一次“Response.Write”指令就可以创作出精确的HTML代码了。