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ADO DataTypes
ADO 摘要
ADO 实例

ADO 中的 ADO演示

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1209 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

To demonstrate a small real life ADO application, we have put together a few ADO demos.

Read this First

If you try to update the database, you will get the error message: "You do not have permission to update this database". You get this error because you don't have write access to our server.
如果你试图更新数据库,那么你会收到下面这条错误信息:"You do not have permission to update this database"[你没有更新数据库的权限]。如果你收到了上述信息说明你没用在获取服务器的“写入”权限。

BUT, if you copy the code and run it on your own system, you might get the same error. That is because the system might see you as an anonymous internet user when you access the file via your browser. In that case, you have to change the access-rights to get access to the file.

How to change the access-rights of your Access database?

Open Windows Explorer, find the .mdb file. Right-click on the .mdb file and select Properties. Go to the Security tab and set the access-rights here.

List, Edit, Update, and Delete Database Records

List, edit, update, and delete database records

Add a New Record to a Database

Add a new record

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