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设计理念 中的 RSS简介

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1775 ::
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Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a tool useful for saving or retaining updated information on websites that you frequently visit or websites that are your favorite. RSS utilizes an XML code which scans continuously the content or subject matter of a certain website in search for new informations then transmits the information updates by way of feeding the information to subscribers.

代表Really Simple Syndication[建议信息聚合器],它的作用是:保存和更新你经常访问的网站和你乐于收藏的网站。RSS是目前对XML的最广泛应用,它可以持续地搜索某个特定站点的内容和主题,获取其中的最新信息后,将其通过信息聚合的方式将更新后的信息传递给用户或订阅者。

RSS feeds are generally being utilized in blogs or news sites, though any website wanting to broadcast and publish information can use them. Once new information is sent, it will contain a headline, a little bit of text, and either a rundown or a brief review of the news or story. A link is needed be clicked upon to read further.

RSS feeds 通常被博客或新上架的站点所利用,尽管只有少数几家网站愿意使用它来传播或公布信息。一旦发出新信息,该信息中就会包含一则新闻或故事的标题、小段文本内容或概要。你需要点击对应的链接之后才能浏览里面的信息

So as to accept RSS feeds, a feed reader is needed, called an aggregator. Aggregators are widely and freely available online, and all that is needed is a bit of searching, you will be able to locate a certain interface that best interest you. What's more, RSS feeds can likewise be read and retrieved from cell phones and on PDAs.

如果你希望使用RSS feeds 那么你就需要一个专门用于读取feed的阅读器,我们称之为aggregator[聚合器]Aggregators[聚合器]在互联网上的使用非常普遍,你可以在里面搜索你最感兴趣的地址。更广泛的应用是:RSS还可以用于手机和PDA[掌上电脑]以获取信息。

Once you encounter upon a website that you want to add or insert to the aggregator, the process can be done in two ways. Almost all sites offering an RSS feed displays an "RSS" or "XML" button in their homepage and with one click, it promptly add that particular feed to one's aggregator. Some aggregator however, requires the need to copy and then paste the URL of the feed unto the program.


Whatever the method used, you can be certain that the feed will be accessible soon as you have inserted it, likewise, in just seconds, the next update can arrive. In the event that you do not anymore would want to accept or take in updates, you may simply delete or erase the feed from the aggregator.



Aggregators are popular use of feeds, having several kinds. Web aggregators or portals as they are sometimes called, create this view which is then made available in a Web page. Also, Aggregators have been incorporated into e-mail patrons, users of desktops, or dedicated and standalone software.


Offering a collection of special features, such as combining more than a few related feeds in just a single view, hiding certain entries or statements that has been already viewed, and classifying entries and feeds, the aggregator is a versatile component.


Why make a feed available?

You will have more viewers, since now, your viewers can conveniently see your site without even going out and looking for that certain site. While at first, it may seem corrupt, it will in fact enhance the visibility of your site; this is so because users can easily keep up or keep tract with your site, to allow them to view in a way that they want to; it's more probable that guests are aware should something that is in their interest is available or accessible on your site.


For instance, every month your website broadcasts a new feature. Having no feed, your viewers will always have to keep in mind to go to your site in a certain time to see if they discover something new; that is, if they can remember, and if they still have the time. However, if you supply a feed for your viewers, they can just point to their aggregator and it will instantly provide them a link along with a description of happenings or events at your site immediately.


What format to choose?

Syndication is very confusing as it uses a lot of formats that can usually be come across in the web. However, this can easily be solved as in general, syndicated libraries are used by aggregators which conceptualize a particular format that a feed is in, in order that they can utilize a certain syndication feed.


With this, whatever format to pick is just a matter of personal preference. RSS 1.0 is far reaching, and practical should it be integrated into Semantic Web systems. RSS 2.0 is very easy and simple create by hand. And atom is an IETF Standard, does it brings constancy, stability and a natural and accepted community to support its usage.

同过使用上面这个聚合器,那么就可以根据用户的个人喜好进行格式选择了。RSS 1.0影响深远,它必须被整合到语义网络系统中。RSS2.0可以非常方便的通过手动创建。Atom[原子]IETF的标准,它为RSS提供了固定的、稳定的、自然的、一致公认的用法。

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