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设计理念 中的 网站设计的几个主要方面

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 2327 ::
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It is a hot opinion that "it’s the words that sell, not a design" and that "you should invest all your money into writing a good sales copy and what is left (if anything) into web-site". I can give you 99 out of 100 that authors of these claims are copywriters, web-designers usually don’t write articles. It is like asking football player what game he enjoys more: football or hockey? :0)


I don’t want to argue that statement about the importance of copywriting, on the contrary, I think that it is totally true, but under one condition – your website is already implied to make your visitors feel, at least, comfortable.


It could never be counted, how many times I closed down the browebsiteer without reading a single word, just because of the amateurish and clumsy look those websites had.


No need to emphasize on importance of the professional website. It is obvious, at the same time you won’t read there, that web-design is everything and that professional sales letter or text message is nothing, because it is like answering the question – what is better to have skin or heart cancer? To my mind, it is better to be totally healthy.

我们不需要强调网站外观的重要性。很明显,在无需阅读内容的情况下,网站设计关乎全局,专业销售信函以及文本信息就不太重要,因为这就像回答以下问题 :皮肤及心脏,那一个生病更好?我想,最好两者都健康。

Business website usually plays the role of virtual office, shop, informational dep., marketing dep. and service dep. It is a main representative and the core of your business – the final proof, the image of your company is based on.


-----What it is all about-----

The target is set – to make your website as good as it can possibly be. Here I pointed the crucial pillars of designing a professional looking website. You will not find there basic HTML teaching or how to use particular web-editor. The knowledge of HTML will help, but is not compulsory, as WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors will make all HTML coding work “behind the scene” for you.


You require general understanding of what HTML is and ability to use one or several WYSIWYG web-editors, that is three hour learning process. The feeling of style and taste is also advisable; otherwise you will have to consult a designer.


The problem with design “How to..” is that website design is 90% creative work, where is no two identical website (unless copied), that is why there cannot be any step-by-step study, the same way there is no step-by-step study on how to paint a masterpiece paint.


What we can teach is how to “hold a brush”, but it is you, who should paint “Mona Lisa” and become “Leonardo da Vinci”.



-----What your website should look like?-----
网站外观 -----

+ Stylish. Consider it as an exterior and interior of your whole off-line business premises, starting from hall (main-index web-page) and ending with your personal office (“about me” web-page). It has to have its unique “feel” and style. Don’t also forget about branding features your website represent.


+ Clear structure. Imagine a shopper who wants to make a purchase at your offline store, but in order to enter it, he has to go through warehouse, service department and all kinds of office premises. Don’t allow your web visitor feel like that shopper.


+ Harmonically allocated design elements like graphics and text. The website is united entity and your brand. Every element on the website is to be blend with “exterior”, no separated elements or graphics like a number of flashy banners.


+ High usability standards and complete website optimization including clear HTML code and optimized web graphics that are similar to clear shop. The more “dirt” your web-pages contains, the more time it will take to load them, the more potential errors it may show in different browebsiteers, and the harder it will be for Search Engine spiders to index your website. We will discuss these issues later on. Pay also attention to broken links, as it is similar to wall behind the door of your off-line shop. Let your visitors find good resources with your help, rather than an “Error 404 Page not found”.


+ Absence of grammatical errors. It concerns grammatical correctness of textual information. The importance of correct grammar is clear, no one wants to deal with uneducated people, especially if they represent businesses.


-----What programs you will need-----
网站程序 -----

First of all you will need to equip yourself with right “armament”, that are mostly WYSISWG (What You See Is What You Get) web-editors. The download links and short description you can find below:


Macromedia Dreamveawer  
http://www.macromedia.com/software/dreamweaver/ - considered to be the best WYSIWYG HTML editor. Ideal for beginners as well as professional users. Anything you can only imagine has already been included :0) 30 days trial version.

——这个程序被认为是最好的WYSIWYG HTML编辑器,网站设计初学者以及专业设计者都能利用。你能想象到的设计方法都包含在30天的试用版本中。

EzyPage -
- very simple drag&drop web-page creator for beginners. Although it has several very interesting features build in like dropdown menu or scrolling table. Free distribution.


Stepzilla -
http://www.stepzilla.com/ - the software's motto - step by step to the web - tells everything for itself.


1st page 2000 v.2 final -
http://www.evrsoft.com/products/ - very pleasant HTML editor for beginners as well as advanced webmasters. Has ability to choose the interface that will be more suitable. Available HTML cleaning option, XML converter, build in FTP-client and preview function. A lot of ready to use Javascript, VBScript, DHTML, Perl applications. The software is being distributed for free.


Hot Dog Professional -
http://sausage.com/products/index.html - three HTML editors - HotDog Junior for kids, PageWiz for beginners and Professional ver.6 for advanced users. Convenient interface with easy to access HTML functions. Includes CSS editor, checker for tag errors and many others. All three editors allow to download 30-days trial version.

——提供三种HTML编辑器:HotDog Junior for kids(不了解网站设计的用户使用)、PageWiz (初学者使用)、Professional ver.6(经验丰富的设计者使用)。通过简单的界面操作,就能发挥HTML功能,包括:CSS编辑器、标签错误监测器等等。你可以下载上述三种编辑器的试用版(30天)。

CoffeCup HTML editors -
http://www.coffeecup.com/software/ - another offer with several versions of software for beginners as well as advanced users. Pre-made JavaScript applications libraries, Flash effects, font creator, HTML code cleaner, FTP-client, and many more. Collection of web-pictures, backgrounds, icons. Available 30-days trial PRO or free version.


AceHTML 5.0 Pro -
http://www.visicommedia.com/ - professional HTML editor. DHTML ? JavaScript libraries. Build in CSS editor, HTML, JavaScript, CSS checker, supports XHTML, XML, Perl and WML documents. HTML code optimizer, link checker. Available 30-days trial version.




You next step after setting up the appropriate web-design program is to set the list of tasks your site should solve. You should answer the following questions:


1. Are your website a sales letter or a content rich project? Depending on your answer you have or don’t have to pay attention to the structure and flexibility of navigational menu, as it may bring new challenges, as your content-rich website will grow. Consider to reserve website space to future informational blocks like announcements, exclusive offers, visitors voting, polls, that you may like to include sometime in future. Don’t make the page layout look too tight, as you will require redesigning the whole page just to insert a small table for visitors’ voting.

网站内容是否丰富,能否达到推销目的? 根据答案,决定是否需要注意导航菜单的结构以及灵活性。由于网站内容会不断增加,所以必须注意这个问题,否则会带来操作的困难。网站空间应该用来存储有价值信息,包括:公告、独家提供的信息、访问者的投票与调查等等,将来你的网站中也应该包括这些内容。网站布局不能太紧密,否则网页中不能安排访问者投票的表格。

2. What kind of integrated services you are planning to use? Whether it is going to be shopping cart, discussion board, chat or separate section totally devoted to the website newebsiteletter, it should fit overall site layout and design. Think in prospective, as it will take several hours now, but avoid several weeks of headache in the future. Make sure that the foundation of your online empire will bear all possible additional stories, without need of demolishing the whole “building” and strengthening the foundation.


3. What market sector your website belongs to in general and what product/service you are going to offer in particular? If your website is an entertainment portal, full of flash games, casino offers and reviewebsite of upcoming PC games, it is obvious that design and layout plays extremely important role as a representative of more than 50% of all information. Be sure that boring graphics in that case would cut the roots of your website growth. If, on the other hand, you are working at corporate business-to-business online sector (B2B), there is absolutely no need in complex graphics elements or flashy stars in the top-left corner. Online businesses always experience lack of time, therefore, they need quick answers of who you are, what you are and why are you, rather than waiting till your welcome 300Kb flash clip will load. The answer to efficient finding partners among businesses is textual and to the point information that is easy to access and that is, usually, represented in business white-gray-black color scheme.




Anybody can do that, although the broader imagination you have, the simpler it will be. What you need is comfortable seat, paper and a pen. Put your feet on the table, close your eyes and imagine your website.


Let me only tell you one of my favorite jokes concerning technique mentioned above.


“There was a group of foreign visitors coming to see a very prosperous and profitable company. At the end of their excursion one of the visitors asked their guide:


You know, your company is really perfect, with the best technology I’ve ever seen, everybody is working very hard, but, tell me, who is that man in the biggest room on the top floor doing nothing but relaxing on the soft armchair with his feet crossed on the table, sipping Cola and listening to music? Oh, that man came up with the idea last year, that earned us $1.000.000, and, as far as I remember, during that time he was also sipping Cola with his feet on the table.”


So follow this man and don't allow anybody disturb you during this work!


Don't make any mistakes about it. You may be surprised, but it is the most challenging and crucial part of your website creation. The brighter efforts you put into your paper, the more beneficial result you will get. No need for degree in painting, just basic elements on paper as a background of your future website building, the rest in mind.


Don’t be afraid to experiment! It’s a pleasant time spending anyway. Remember – all great works of all times are considered to be masterpieces, only because they, firstly, perfectly reflect the depth of their creators’ souls and, secondly, they are unique in their nature. There is no masterpiece based on well-known standards. They are good in, let’s say, decreasing production costs, but they are not welcomed in the art creation process, which the design surely is.


On the other hand, you should always keep in mind that the experiment ends exactly when the web-surfer disappointment starts.



The key point, while visualizing your full color website, is to decide what and where will you place 3 basic elements:


1. Header
2. Navigational menu
3. Space for main text

The following list represents possible website elements that you consider to have as a result of previously conducted “Task Defining”. Designer should also reserve a proper place and harmonically blend them with the rest of website elements:


1. Banner ads
2. Menu mirror at the bottom
3. Additional text for newebsite column, announcements, testimonials etc.
4. Email forms, visitor polls, questionnaire etc.
5. Any other items you consider to include

It must be stressed that all the main elements of the website as well as any other website items, which should be added at your sole discretion ought to be put in mind while visualizing, and therefore written down on paper to be sure there is no forgotten element left behind. If it occurs at the next stage you will have to start from the very beginning as there is no way to move further. So don't quadruple your work with your own hands. Make sure you have put every “present” into the box you want to receive on Christmas. ;0)



Draw the scheme of your website structure. How you are planning to arrange, link and create logically relations between sections or stand alone web-pages. It is easy to navigate four-page sales letter website, but everything changes when we are exploring 100 spontaneously linked website. It is easier to get out of Sahara desert rather than to find what you need.

描绘网站基本结构。你需要安排具体内容、设计链接、创建网页各部分内容以及网页之间的联系。网站如果只有四张网页,操作可能会很简单,但如果包含100张网页呢? 网站必须方便访问者找到所需内容。

Your navigational structure could be linear or functional. There are unlimited number of variations, just pay close attention and follow one simple rule: “The more difficult for you to write a website structure, the more difficult it will be for potential user to navigate it!”


It doesn’t depend on number of web pages rather then logical sequence and connection of different parts or sections of your site.



I’ve also read numerous times, that Headlines is what the visitor sees first, when comes to your site. Wrong! The first thing a surfer sees on the website, while it loads, is the color and, sometimes, design appearance. Don’t underestimate the importance of color influence. With the help of color play you can easily create a feeling of excitement or grief even before s/he will see the first letter of your Headline.


One note should be also mentioned: try, if possible, to avoid main colors – green, red, yellow, blue. They are very Day-Glo and very annoying while using them in the company Logo sometimes considered to be enticing.


Don’t use “aggressive” color scheme, make it to be "polite" to your customer's perception. By doing so, you don't, at least, make your visitor be irritated. Just experiment with hues and brightness and you will get the color you need. Follow this rule if you are not intend to sell clown noses in the circus tent. :0)


Text color is also ought to match the background color. Please, avoid red text on green color, dark blue on black etc.


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