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设计理念 中的 避免使用Splash引导页

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 2268 ::
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Use_Of_An_Entry_Splash_PageOver the past few days I have been zooming through sites looking at different designs for inspiration and ideas. During my site viewing time I came to realize things I hate about web designers. These are things that caused me to close my browser window before the site loaded or even not visit the site at all. Perhaps you'll agree with me and use some of these tips when you're designing sites.


Take a look at Steel Dolphin Creative. After going to the main url I had to click yet another enter button for a static HTML site! To me this not necessary and a waste of good browsing time.

Steel Dolphin Creative就是令我反感的网站。在进入主要的url之前,我必须点击另外一个“进入”按钮,进入HTML网站。对我来说,这是在浪费宝贵的浏览时间。

Liquid Chrome is a good example of how to use an entry page. It's sweet and simple.

Liquid Chrome网站的进入方式就很简单,令人舒服。你可以借鉴它的登录方式进行网站设计。

The only reason you should have an entry page is if your site takes a while to download for some reason or you need your viewers to download the proper technology to view your site. It's also a good thing to give your viewers a choice to see Flash or HTML and give them a chance to see what your site is about before they commit to viewing. Don't make the viewers click any more than they have to. Most people are too lazy to click, then click again, and again just to see your index page.


Some pages that do have Flash don't have splash pages. Yes it can be done. Here is art+design. The actual Flash page loads quicker than having an entry page, so they didn't even include one.

某些Flash网站并不包含splash引导页面,是的我们可以设计,这是艺术和设计技术综合运用的结果。实际上,Flash页面比进入页面下载速度快,所以Liquid Chrome网站没有出现进入页面。

If you do feel that your site should require an entry page please keep the graphics down to a minimum. Nothing better than waiting on tons of graphics just to click onto another page that has to load.



In my opinion every Flash design should include a loading screen. It's annoying looking at a blank page wondering if your browser is loading properly.


When you do have a loading screen you may want to include one with either a progress bar or percentage so your viewers know how close they are to having the file downloaded.


Pop-ups and full screen

When I'm browsing sites I absolutely hate having pop-ups or even worse, full screen movies. I personally feel like the site is trying to take over my personal space with full screen sites. Any site that I come across that opens in full screen mode automatically gets the alt+f4 to close it before it even gets a chance to load.


I can deal with pop-ups most of the time, but don't automatically load them. I often find myself closing pop-ups thinking they are ads. Pop up blockers also do the same thing. They automatically think any pop up is an advertisement. If you do feel that you should automatically load a pop-up for your Flash movie, make sure you keep a link on the main page to re-open the pop just in case it accidentally gets closed.


Links in Flash sites

If you have any external links in your Flash sites, make sure they open a separate browser window. I hate clicking on links, being redirected to another page or site, hitting the back button and having to wait on the Flash movie to restart. This will also help to keep visitors on your site.


Hopefully you can see where I'm coming from on these suggestions. Remember, we didn't create the web. We just make it easier to use.



About the Author:

Having created the outlines for FlashNewz and FLADownloads, John has become a strong voice in the Flash Community. His reviews and tutorials give great insight and knowledge to readers around the world. He has a keen eye for what's hot and what's not in the Flash world. He has also developed and continues to run his own flash portal as a side project to keep his mind on the Flash community

在为FlashNewzFLADownloads设计出页面以后,John成为Flash设计界的重要人物。他的评论和建议很有洞察力,会给很多读者提供帮助。它能够观察到Flash世界中,哪些内容重要,哪些不重要。他自己也一直在设计Flash 作品,作为自己的兼职工作,训练Flash思维。

Being a key designer for advertising creative, he's got style when it comes to grabbing readers attention. With a proven track record, there isn't much this guy can't handle.


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