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设计理念 中的 设计有特色的网站

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1961 ::
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Unique_WebsitesThis is to be a discussion of "Unique Websites" which regrettably are quite rare on the internet. Truly Unique Websites are actually so rare on the net that it seems weird; not just strange, weird . While I am totally under whelmed by the actual number of unique websites found on the internet, I am stunned by the number of similar, regular, repetitive, chronically mundane stereotypes that abound and flourish there. How rare is the "truly unique" website? It"s like my friend told the 82 year old only waitress in a crowded steakhouse, sending her to her knees in uncontrollable laughter and literally shutting down all service in the place for half an hour. She simply asked how he wanted his steak. "Just rip off it"s horns and wipe it"s ass," he replied.


So truly unique websites are really quite rare. I suppose one could argue this is simply a semantic distinction that it is hard to define what is really unique and almost as hard to define really rare until you have sat in a crowded steakhouse waiting to order your food for half an hour watching an old lady guffaw. However, I find the actual truly unique website to be so exceptionally rare, that it is weird, and that term I can define. I have a true affinity for the word weird, especially as it relates to people, for example. I"m also always amazed at the number of people who claim to be weird. Again and again I have people say to me "I know I"m really weird because I do this" or "I know I"m really weird but I think that." Oddly enough the things these same people throw out as making them weird are usually not even strange or different, much less actually weird. In fact, as many as eight out of ten people who confide in me that they are weird, are, in my opinion, weirder for the fact that they think they are weird than for the fact of why they think they are weird. I have no idea when it became so fashionable to be weird but, trust me, it really is. And I should know.


I should know because I really am weird. I admit I am weird in the fullest sense of the word. Strange absolutely doesn't cut it when describing my weirdness. So, in that I truly am weird and know good and well that I am, perhaps I get a bit touchy about people attempting to usurp and overuse the descriptive term I find most suited to myself, rather than more accurately describe themselves as the slightly different, somewhat strange or in many cases pathetically normal people they actually are. Although I admit few people would vie for the pathetically normal moniker without at least a double shot of truth serum.


How and why I am so weird are topics which need not delay us here as these are issues more suited to an entirely different venue. However, I would be quite willing to reward the aforementioned self described weirdoes with the term "unique." While strange would suffice, and in many cases surpass the reality of the situation, if they would simply give up the term weird, I would be happy to award them the handle of "unique." I think this is a generous compromise in semantic pragmatism and offers a sensible solution to an increasingly irritating and somewhat vexing problem, albeit probably a problem of mine alone. I leave that rather unique and I think formidable solution on the table, as it were, hoping that will indeed be that, as I must move on to the real point of this now kind of long winded discussion which is the proposed use of the term "unique" as a way of describing the Truly Custom Website and the need for more truly unique custom websites on the internet.


One need not hover aimlessly on the "net" 24/7 in order to see and absorb the repetitiveness which abounds in website after website ad nauseam. Website after website casting a veritable mirror in either direction with a generous dose of templates tossed into the mix in order to crystallize the boredom and cause even the casual viewer to enter surfer senility. Often, thirty, forty or more searches into an exhaustive subject search we finally find a unique original website. We may be just short of catatonic when these several pages of visual oasis emerge from the vast internet sand dunes. We devour such sites completely and with great pleasure before turning the page, knowing full well that the chances of finding two consecutive unique, original websites are roughly equal to the chances of finding the same six numbers you always play, the winning numbers two consecutive weeks of the lottery.


So the real advise here is relatively simple and straightforward. Unless you wish to be absorbed into the abyss of repetitive sites on the net you must strive to be unique. Unless you want to allow yourself to osmose into the swirling mass of sameness you must cause yourself to stand out, to be unique. Unless you wish to be a single cloud hopelessly mired in the chiaroscuro effect of a flat grey sky, you must emerge as a glint of sunlight shining through. I can say it six more ways but the message is the same. At least occasionally, when surfing the internet it is nice to find that unique, original website which, along with some useful information contains a burst of creativity and a breath of fresh air which adds hope to each new click.

这些意见既简单又直接: 如果不希望雷同于其它网站,网站设计必须独特;如果不想千篇一律,网站必须有特色;如果不希望成为一片乌云,网站必须有特色,总而言之,成功的网站必须有自己的特点。我们浏览网站时,也希望网站提供有效信息,包含创新元素、为用户提供新的浏览经历。

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