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设计理念 中的 吸引用户回访的最好方法

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1902 ::
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The_Best_Ways_to_Make_your_Site_User_and_Web_FriendlyFor all of the technical jargon associated with the internet and web design, there is one word that trumps them all in importance and it's a word that should be familiar with everyone. That word is usability. Usability is important to create Web sites that your customers will want to return to.


If no one can use your site, then no one will bother staying on it. Your website needs to be user friendly or you won't see much of a return on your investment. To keep in simple, no matter what type of subject your website is about, it needs to be designed as user-centered.


Users need to be considered constantly throughout the website design process. The best approach to take is to a proactive approach to the design process and takes care of any potential issues before it's too late. While there are a good number of specific suggestions, here are some quick tips you can use to create a site that is useful for your visitors.


1. HTML - There are some version-specific elements of HTML which will cause some problems for some of visitors of your site. The only way for your site to be completely user friendly is to limit it to HTML 1.0. It won't be for few years to come until the majority of web surfers will be able to access new technology due to old computer hardware and other factors. The best recommendation is to avoid beta-level software and technology until it has been established for at least a full year.


2. Download Speed - More and more people are gaining access to the internet but that doesn't mean, they're connection are as fast or as good as yours. This means don't go making a site that is bigger and fancier that it actually needs to be. All of the latest studies show that the speed of a page downloads ranks as a sites most important factor. A potential customer will lose interest in your page after ten seconds no matter what the topic is and if they interested or not.

下载速度 - 现在越来越多的人可以上网了,但并不意味着其他网站的网络连接速度也会很快,很畅通。这就意味着不用像实际需要的那样,把网站设计的比别的网站更大,更好看。最新研究都显示,网页的下载速度是区分网站等级的一个重要标准。不管网站上有什么内容,也不管是否有自己感兴趣的内容,如果在十秒钟之内打不开网页,潜在的用户就会对网站失去兴趣。

3. The layout of the page - The importance of the layout of the page is similar to that of its content. They are pretty much intertwined. You could have written some of the greatest content ever, but if the layout of on the page is sloppy and disjointed, no one is going to try and read it. They'll just find another website that is easier to navigate. Keep your pages clean and simple. If your page doesn't need certain elements on it, then remove them. If it functions the same after removing a function, do the same and take it out.

网页布局 - 网页布局就像网页的内容一样重要。内容和布局联系非常密切,即使网站内容非常好,如果网页的布局混乱,结构不连接,没有用户会去浏览。,他们就会去找一个导航明确的网站。要把网页设计得简洁、清晰,所以尽量把网页中某些不需要的的部分移除。在把一个功能移除后,如果网站的功能没有改变,那么继续删除这一个功能。

4. Content - All web design experts will agree that content is king. It's what Google sees when they index your site and more importantly it's what your site's visitors will see. Your web site needs to be about something that you feel passionate about and your visitors should too. Show that excitement on every one of your pages. If your readers see that excitement and feel the same way, they'll keep coming back.

内容 - 所有的网络设计专家都认为网站内容决定网页的设计。网站内容是Google在对网站做索引时考虑的主要因素。更重要的是,内容是网站最终要呈现给浏览者的,所以内容的作用不可小觑。网站上应该有能让浏览者产生渴望的内容,要让浏览者感受到每一张网页都很有激情,这样,他们的回访次数就越多。

Colors - Colors can and will play an important part of your website, much more than you may realize. They affect the usability of your Web site. There are some colors which look great together, and then there are other colors that are almost so painful to look at that you need to click away before you burn your eyes.

颜色 - 颜色在网站中发挥着重要的作用,有些作用是我们没有想象到的,颜色影响着网站的可用性。有些颜色搭配在一起,会产生一种良好的效果,因此有时候把一些看起来有些忧郁的颜色重新搭配后,会产生一种截然相反的效果。

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