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设计理念 中的 构建个人网站的6个步骤

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1926 ::
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BuildingYourWebsiteFor those who want a website of their own but are not sure how to go about it. here is the step-by-step process, without paying big money to someone to do it for you. The plan here is to do this cheaply and the total cost of setting up a custom web site can be just a few dollars and some of your time. Once your site is online, the only on-going costs are your monthly or annual web hosting charges and the yearly domain renewal fee.


Here is the complete 6 step-by-step website building process:

Step 1: Put your plans, thoughts and ideas on paper.

Draw a rough picture of how you would like your website to look. Got some colored pencils? Use those also. Now work out what you want on your pages. For example, you may want to include these pages: - About Me/Us - Contact Page - My interests (if it is a personal website) or a Products page if you are selling something or a Service you are offering.

用彩色铅笔画一个草图,把网站要呈现的样式画下来。接下来设计网页的内容,比如说,你可能喜欢网站包含这些网页- 关于我/我们 - 联系网页- 我的网页(个人网站),如果是销售产品或提供服务的网站,那还应包括产品介绍网页。

Step 2: Put it onto your computer.

You need a WYSIWYG HTML Editor (stands for What You See Is What You Get). There are many programs to choose from such as Dreamweaver and Frontpage. There are also programs that do exactly the same as those high-priced ones, they offer the easiest way to design a web site, especially for the first timer, and they are FREE. Simply download one, follow the instructions to get it running, and play with it. You can do no damage, so play with all the features and get a feel of it. Follow the manual they provide. Examples of free ones include NVU.

需要运用WYSIWYG HTML工具。你有很多程序可以选择,比如,DreamweaverFrontpage等,有些程序是免费的,但功能却和那些价格昂贵的程序一样,可以让你通过最简单的方式来设计网站,这些程序对初学者尤其适用。把这样的程序下载下来以后,按照说明,大胆地操作,不会有什么问题。在程序使用手册的帮助下,掌握工具的使用方法。其中NVU就是一种可以免费使用的程序。

Often your website hosting company will provide you with a free HTML editor, so check with them first before you spend any money.


Step 3: Get a Website Template

When designing a new website, I suggest you start with a pre-designed template, rather than designing the site from the very beginning. This will save you countless hours of time without the aggravation or steep learning curve. Some website hsoting companies provide their clients with free website templates, so check your hosting company first before buying any.


Step 4: Get Your Own Domain Name

Once your website is set out on your computer, you'll need to decide on a domain name for your new website. Registering your own domain name means that surfers / visitors will be able to connect to your website by entering www.YourName.com into their browser.


Try to choose a domain name that is easy to remember and has something to do with your business or your name. For example: www.YourAfghans.com www.BestKennels.com www.DogBiscuitsExtrordinaire.com


A Top Level Domain such as .com is the most popular and easiest to remember. and you can register a .com domain name for just US$9.99


Step 5. Select a Hosting Company for your Website
第五步 寻找一个网络服务公司

Your website is designed and you have registered your domain name, so why do you need to hire a company to host your site?


Hiring a web host who already has everything set up is a cost effective solution. Your website needs "space" on a server (a computer that is online 24/7/365) so that people can see your website, and this is what a hosting company provides.


Your web host will maintain your 24 hour connection to the web making sure visitors can connect to your website at all times.


Inexpensive hosting is availabel nowadays, and I recommend you go with a host specializing in your topic - for example, if you sell widgets, then find a hosting company that specializes in providing website hosting for widgets, or if your website is about dogs, choose a company that provides hosting for dog sites. These companies understand your needs and requirements better than a general hosting company.


Step 6: Upload your website to your hosting space

"FTP" stands for "File Transfer Protocol" and there are lots of these programs available on the web and many hosting companies provide a simple Free FTP program for their clients.


This is a step that many people new to having a website have problems with. Basically, you'll be transferring your newly designed web pages from your own computer to the computer at your web hosting company.


Most WYSIWYG design programs come with a "web publishing" interface but the details are often confusing and difficult to follow. Rather than using the web publishing interface in your design program, use FTP to upload your pages as you will find it much easier.


There are many FTP programs you can try and they are not expensive. For example: CuteFTP, WS_FTP and Fetch for Mac.

现在可以试用的FTP程序有很多种,价格也不算高。如:CuteFTPWS_FTPFetch for Mac等,用户都可以应用。

But there is no need to pay any money if your hosting provides you with a free one, so check with them first.


Done - your website is online for the world to see!

完成 —— 网站将被呈现在全世界的众人眼前。

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