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Other factors that affect the online environment, and what we can do to mitigate their impact.
Simple web designs prove more effective in many ways.
On this page:
Because the web is truly worldwide, people accessing your web site might be from very different cultures.
Also, because you don't know how a user arrived, you don't know what prior experience they may have of your company, products or services.
You don't know how the user got here
You can't always be sure what route a user has taken to get to your web page.
What we can do
Connection speed
Users may be connecting to a web site over a slow connection, as low as 0.5KB/second for mobile phone access. It's not only the user's nominal maximum connection speed that affects the real transfer rate. A typical user on a 55.6 modem will get a realistic transfer rate of about 3-4KB/second, but may get significantly less at busy times. An overladen web server may also be a bottleneck. Minimising total page size not only improves usability, but helps speeds up every part of the system.
What we can do
Time delay between client and server
There's always some lag between any web server and browser, no matter what the user's connection speed. Anything more than 1/10 of a second response time is noticeable. The longer the delay before the browser starts to render your web page, the more likely your user is to abandon the attempt. Anything over ten seconds wait appears generous today, so responsiveness can make a vital difference to online success.
What we can do
Variation in Fonts
Different computers and devices use different fonts. Macintoshes have different fonts than PCs. Some of the fonts that you might assume are universal really aren't, e.g. for a long time font xxxx has been installed with MS Office.
不用的电脑和设备使用不同的字体。Macintoshes[(Mac)麦金托什机:苹果公司于1984年推出的一种系列微机],他拥有比普通个人计算机更多的字体。其中的许多字体我们都假定它是通用的,但事实并不是这样,举个例子来说,一直以来,MS Office对该类字体的显示都是xxxx[即:不能显示该字体]。
e.g. Conclusively the best font for rendering general body text on a Windows PC is Verdana (because it's wide-pitch and sans-serif). Macs don't come with Verdana!
案例:如今,Windows PC 中使用的最广泛的英文字体是Verdana,因为它是“宽螺距、无衬线[衬线:字母主线端的短细线,如在M 的顶部和底部的细线]”的字体。但是Macs[苹果机]却不支持该字体。
What we can do
Do not create a design that depends on a specific font being installed on the client's computer. Definitely set general body fonts to sans-serif. Best practice style (in my opinion) is:
font-family:verdana,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; |
Only use other faces at particular times when quick, mass readability is less of a priority. e.g. It's okay to use a serif face in a large size for headers; and it's okay to use fixed-pitch faces (e.g. Courier) for code snippets. The rest of the time, stick with the general sans, and concentrate your creative energies elsewhere.
Variation in Colours
A minority of older computers can only display 256 different colours. These colours are slightly different on PC and Macintosh platforms, but there are 216 common colours that reproduce well on both. This is the 216-colour web-safe palette. You can be sure that pretty well everyone accessing a site designed using only the web-safe colour palette will see the same thing. There are other ways of browsing web sites
What we can do
Support for HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Flash
Not all browsers can support the latest HTML or CSS. Some people aren't allowed to install the Flash plugin. Very few browsers indeed can't run JavaScript (but the majority of these must be screen readers or low-res browsers on other platforms.
What we can do
These days, you can get away with relying on your target user being able to see use content that runs in Flash or DHTML. I'd add the caveat that you must consider your target market (not just your ideal user, but anyone who *should* be able to get your message), and make sure you're clued up on the percentage of people who might be excluded if you use certain formats.
What we can do