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If you spend any time surfing the Internet, you've probably encountered a few error messages.
Error messages have numerous causes, such as misspellings, outdated links or internal server errors. When an error is encountered, your server will display specific generic error pages according to the error. These error pages are not only dead ends, but they are also very frustrating for your potential visitors.
When your visitors mistype your web address or click on an outdated link and receive the dreaded error page, they'll most-likely click on their back button and never return. However, you can recover a majority of your lost visitors simply by taking the time to create some customized, user friendly error pages.
As servers run different types of software and do not function in the same manner, there isn't a simple method for creating custom error pages that will work with every system. However, if you have your own domain and your site is hosted on a Unix/Linux server running Apache, this article will assist you in creating custom error pages.
If you're not sure what type of server you're on, visit the following web address to find out: Uptime.netcraft.com
Before we begin, keep in mind, editing your server files is serious business. Even one small typographical error can wreak havoc -- make sure you make a backup copy of any file you're planning to edit.
Guidelines for creating your error pages:
1. Create your error pages in standard HTML -- just as you would create any other web page for your site.
1. 运用标准HTML语言创建错误页面——方法如同创建其它网站页面。
2. Don't alarm your visitors. Never include the word "ERROR" in large, bold text. Your visitors may immediately become alarmed and think they've done something to cause the error. Instead, be apologetic and encourage your visitors to click on the navigational links to locate additional resources and information.
2. 不要给访问者发出警告,网页中避免出现大的、粗体的"ERROR"。否则,访问者会立即以为自己做错了什么。相反,你应该道歉,并且鼓励访问者点击导航链接查找其它信息。
3. Your error pages should look just like the rest of your web pages. Each error page should contain good navigational links, a search feature, and provide information in regard to the specific error they received.
3. 错误网页外观应该与其它网页相同,也应该包括正确的导航链接、搜索功能并且提供与客户收到的具体错误相关的信息。
If you'd like to see an example error page, visit the following web address: Web-source.net
Once you've created an error page, save it as the error name. For example, if you're creating a customized error page for a 400 Bad Request error, your page should be saved as 400.html.
错误页面一旦创建完成,应该保存为网页错误名称。比如,为400 Bad Request创建的错误网页,就应该保存为400.html。
Here are some of the more common errors:
400 Bad Request (400 请求出错)
401 Authorization Required (401未授权)
403 Forbidden (403 禁止)
404 File Not Found (404文件未找到)
405 Method Not Allowed (405方法不适用)
500 Internal Server Error (500内部服务器错误)
501 Method Not Implemented (501方法未执行)
502 Bad Gateway (502数据接收失败)
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable(503临时不提供服务)
Once you've created your pages, you'll need to access your server via FTP and create a new folder called "errordocs" where you store your HTML files. Upload your new error documents into your new folder.
Your next step will be to locate your .htaccess file and download it to your computer. (If you use FrontPage to publish your web pages, you cannot customize the .htaccess file, as FrontPage uses the .htaccess file. Editing the file may cause errors in your configuration.) The .htaccess file should be located on your server where you store your HTML files.
If the .htaccess file isn't visible, you can create one within a plain text editor. However, you must first make sure your server isn't configured to hide the file. Your FTP program should enable you to choose to display hidden files and folders on your server.
Once you've downloaded your .htaccess file, open it within a plain text editor, such as Note Pad, and add the following lines below any other text that may be present:
ErrorDocument 400 /errordocs/400.html
ErrorDocument 401 /errordocs/401.html
ErrorDocument 403 /errordocs/403.html
ErrorDocument 404 /errordocs/404.html
ErrorDocument 405 /errordocs/405.html
ErrorDocument 500 /errordocs/500.html
ErrorDocument 501 /errordocs/501.html
ErrorDocument 502 /errordocs/502.html
ErrorDocument 503 /errordocs/503.html
If you're creating your own .htaccess file, open a plain text editor and add the above lines.
When typing in the information, make certain you type it exactly as it appears above. You can include the error documents of your choice.
Once the file is complete, save it as .htaccess and upload it to your server, via FTP in ASCII mode, where you store your HTML files.
For additional information on File Transfer Protocol (FTP) you may visit: Web-source.net
If you have a Windows operating system, you will be unable to save the file as .htaccess. You'll need to save it as htaccess.txt. Once you upload the file to your server, you can rename it to .htaccess.
That's all there is to it. When your visitors click on an outdated link, your custom error page will now be displayed.
Creating your own custom error pages is well worth the time and effort, as they will enable you to recover an unlimited number of your visitors. If you follow this step by step guide, you can have your pages up and running in no time.