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Building a letter is vital for the growth of your work at home business. There are many different models you might consider. We will be talking about the very elementary model, the Mini Site.
What is a mini site? This is a simple 1-3 letter made to sell your product or service. It will contain your sales letter and a couple of web pages for your product.
It\'s purpose: is simply and exclusively to get your visitors focused and eager to purchase without the assistance of anything but your sales page and affiliate program.
These webpages are very simple to set up and can be built from scratch in a matter of hours. Here are the steps to do this:
1.Choose a domain name: this will need to be cogent to your work at home business. The domain name should alert visitors so they know exactly what your home business is all about. Use your main keyword for any domain name. Search engines like .com, .net, .biz and .info. Try to get .com, .net, .org and then .biz and .info in that order.
2.The sales headline should always also use your main keyword or phrase if it\'s possible.
3.Put Meta Tags in, these will be just your title, description tags.
4.Select a template. You can either get a web page template this from your HTML editor, or get one yourself. You can do a google search for a free one.
5.Write or hire it written, a convincing sales page. To make sure this type of letter is efficacious you will have good converting sales page.
6.Create an affiliate program for joint ventures and affiliates. Put a hyperlink in your navigation box for prospects to join your free affiliate program. Be sure you have very good, dependable tracking system.
7.Make a hover ad for your newsletter subscription box. You can at times obtain this from an autoresponder. A hover ad just slides in from the top and can be closed out by the reader. This most definitely won\'t take away your readers focus from the sales page but will provide a chance to enroll your free newsletter.
8.Find web traffic to your mini site. There are 3 central tactics to get targeted traffic. Search engines, links and inviting web visitors. You can do this with passive, direct and social marketing. This topic is another discussion. increase web traffic
How to utilize a mini site: