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设计理念 中的 高质量的网站设计

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1731 ::
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Good_Website_DesignNow days, every organization either big or small owns a website. But, there are just few websites who have higher return on investment (ROI) or large amount of visitors visiting websites everyday. This is because they have a well-designed attractive website. The appearance of the website is the first thing that one observes while browsing through. Therefore, it becomes a perquisite while designing.


But before working towards design of the website, it is important to evaluate the kind of website you would be creating. The different types of website i.e. dynamic and static have different parameters for designing. Based upon your requirement, you can design an appealing and attractive website.


Features of a Good Website


Every website has different parameters for designing. But, there are certain features or parameters which remain same for a good website. They are:


  • Color Scheme: Selecting a right color combination is very important for your website. If your website is related to children, then select bright colors like red, orange, green, etc to attract their attention. While designing a professional website, it is important to select color scheme which are in-sync with corporate colors of the organization. The colors should also gel with the overall theme and type of services/products offered by the website.

    色彩方案:网站需要挑选适当的颜色组合。如果受众是孩子,网站应该选择红、橙、绿等颜色,吸引他们的注意力 。设计专业的网站,会选择与企业标志颜色相似的颜色方案,并且颜色与网站主题、网站产品或服务类型相搭配。
  • Navigation: Navigation provides an intuitive way for visitors to follow. The navigation has to be uncluttered and concise, so that it is easier for visitor to browse through the website. You should preliminarily have consistent left and bottom navigation throughout the website.

  • Layout: Layout defines the structure of the website. Nowadays, website's web page real estate is 1024 X 768 resolution; web page real estate is the area in which website is covered as compared to full screen. The font size should be 11 or 12 pixels, so that the text is easily readable. Prefer to select a professional font face rather than fancy fonts.

  • Loads Quickly: Website should have graphics to make it appealing, but avoid having loads of graphics or scripting as it will increase the website load time. If websites takes more than few second to load, people tend to get annoyed and browse through another website.


Overall the website should have a user-friendly and well-organized professional look to attract millions of visitors.


WebSmartz Flash Website Builder

Flash Website Builder is one that allows you to do flash website design in just a few simple steps even if you don't know any graphic designing tools. Websmartz is one such website designing software. This software is best for creating Trendy flash website templates.

设计工具可以帮助你进行Flash图像设计(flash website design),只需几个简单步骤,就能完成,即使你不了解图像设计方法。Websmartz就是这样的一种网站设计软件,是一种创建流行flash模板的最好工具。

Within few minutes, you can build flash designer websites, website flash intros and HTML or Flash templates. For more information, visit us at www.websmartz.com.


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