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设计理念 中的 利用.htaccess控制网站

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 2221 ::
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Gain_More_Web_Site_Control_With_htaccessThere are many tools of the trade in the world of Web site development, but very few have as many good uses as your .htaccess file. What, you don't have one? I'll admit, information on these little darlings are confusing to some and hard to find. Hence the reason why we need an explanation of what it is and what it can do for you.

网站开发工具很多,.htaccess文件是很好用的一种,你是否想拥有呢?我知道,有些人难以理解这个内容,并且很难找到关于这个问题的说明,所以这篇文章将会解释.htaccess 文件是什么,以及它有什么作用。

Inside your Web hosting space, you know you have folders, HTML documents, and other things that make your Web site work. Think of this file as just another addition to the many thing you have inside there. It usually sits inside your root directory, such as "/public_html/" and has more than a few good uses. You might already have a .htaccess file in your root directory. If so, all you need to do is edit that one. Just remember that if it is in your root directory, that it will effect all folders and documents inside that directory. If you want to over ride that, then you will have to make a new .htaccess file inside the directory in question.


For an example, if you want what is in the .htaccess file to effect everything but your "photos" folder then you would have to create a new .htaccess file inside your "photos" folder.


How can you create one? Well, depending on the FTP program you are using it should be as easy as creating a new document, then renaming it .htaccess. Note that it has nothing coming before the dot. If you have anything in front of the dot, then it will not be read by the Web hosting server as a .htaccess file. The server will not know what to do with it.


If you want to create the file on your computer first, you should be able to right-click your desktop and select "New" then "Text Document". Then right-click that document on your desktop, and go to "Rename". Type in the new name as ".htaccess". Some programs might put the .txt extension on it automatically. All you have to do is go in to rename it again, and take that part off.


Another thing to remember is if you are creating the file on your own computer or uploading it from your own computer, make sure you are uploading it in ASCII mode, not binary. Most FTP programs do a pretty good job at auto-detecting how it should be uploaded, but if you run into a problem that is the first place I would check.

你需要注意的另外一点是,在电脑中创建文件以后,确保利用ASC II模式(非二进位的)上传。大多数FTP程序会自动监测上传情况,但如果出现问题,我会首先检查这个程序。

Also, .htaccess files can only be created on a Linux based server running Apache. If you are not sure if you fall into that category login to your control panel your Web host provided you and snoop around in there. If you are still not sure, feel free to ask your Web host. That is what they are there for! You may need to CHMOD the htaccess file to 644 so the sever can execute the commands inside it.


Now you know how to create an empty .htaccess file. Now it is time to start filling it up with some easy to learn and useful commands. Think of each line you put into the .htaccess file as a command for the Web hosting server to do something. Here is an example of what I mean. Think of this as the content of your .htaccess file:


  • Take out the trash(排除无意义内容)
  • Clean the sink(清空内容)
  • Mow the yard(清扫)
  • Rake the leaves(最后清理)

Each are short commands you might do during your own day. A .htaccess file is much like giving the Web hosting server a to do list. Most commands in the .htaccess file are suppose to be on one line only. This is just the way that the server reads the information.


Another warning you might take in consideration is the ability to use the .htaccess file at all. Some Web hosts have banned it or banned it for certain uses because it causes stress and strain on the Web hosting server itself. Make sure you read through your Web host's frequently asked questions and acceptable use policy before moving forward. If they have something against it, then it should be in one of those two places.


Now that you have it, what can you do with it? That is another few articles all together. Some of the coolest things are password protection, error page redirects, and deny/allow IP address to access your Web site.


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