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设计理念 中的 设计相对和谐的网页

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 3199 ::
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Web page design is largely a matter of balancing the power of hypermedia Internet linkages against the ability to imbed graphics and motion media within networked Web pages. Some home or menu pages function more like the covers of books or magazines. The idea is to draw the user into the material with a combination of text descriptions and interesting graphics related to the subjects:



The most efficient designs for general (mostly modem-based) Internet audiences tend to use careful layouts of text and links with relatively small graphics. These pages load into viewers quickly, even when accessed from 28.8 kbps modems over SLIP or PPP lines, yet these pages still achieve a substantial graphic impact. This is razorfish's elegant but minimal layout design for the Pace-Wildenstein Gallery:



The screen is smaller than a printed page

While Web pages and conventional documents share many graphic, functional, and editorial similarities, the computer screen is the primary delivery site for web-based information, and the computer screen is very unlike the printed page. Graphic designers often create page grids that look great on their extra-large monitors, forgetting that most users cannot display more than about half of the typical Web page at any one time, and only 10% of Web surfers ever scroll the page.


Width of page graphics

Computer screens are typically smaller than most books or magazines. A very common mistake in Web design is spreading the horizontal width of your page graphics beyond the area most viewers can fit on their 14-15 inches display screens.


Graphic dimensions for web pages

Web page graphics should not be more than 535 pixels wide or more than about 320 pixels high, or the graphic will be too wide to print on letter size or A4 paper. Even when your readers have large display screens, the typical Netscape or Internet Explorer window still defaults to a window width designed for smaller monitors. Microsoft's otherwise excellent home page is too wide for many standard office monitors:

网页图形大小最好不要超过535像素宽度或320像素高度; 最好也不要因为图形太大而不能在A4纸上输出。即使你的浏览用户使用一个大尺寸的浏览器浏览,Netscape[网景]IE窗口也会将其默认为适合小型显示器的浏览方式进行显示。这里要指出的是:微软的主页对大多是办公用显示器来说也显得过于庞大了。


The following size recommendations are based on the typical dimension of a Web browser on a 14 inch or 15 inch Macintosh or Windows 95 screen:

在下面这张示意图中,我们具体列出了在用户最常用的14-15英寸Macintosh[苹果机]Windows 95显示器上如何设计典型的浏览器页面维数:

Design grids for HTML pages

A Web page can be almost any length, but you've only got about 30 square inches at the top of your Web pages to capture the average reader, because that is all they will see as your page loads. If all you offer is a big, slow-to-load graphic, many casual readers will leave before they ever see the rest of your Web site.


Consistency and predictability are essential attributes of any well-designed information system, aiding users in identifying the origin and relationships of World Wide Web pages, providing consistent and predictable access to interface and page elements, and a consistent graphic design scheme. The design grids that underlie most well-designed paper publications are no less necessary in designing electronic documents and on-line publications, where the spatial relationships between on-screen elements is constantly shifting in response to user input and system activity.


Clown's pants

Current implementations of the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) do not allow the flexibility or control that graphic designers routinely expect from page layout software or conventional multimedia authoring tools. However, the HTML markup language can be used to create complex and highly functional information systems if it is used carefully. When used inappropriately or inconsistently the typographic controls and inlined graphics of World Wide Web (Web) pages may result in a patchy, confusing jumble, without any apparent visual hierarchy of importance. This unfortunate "clown's pants" effect of haphazardly mixed graphics and text results in decreased usability and legibility, just as it does in paper pages. A carefully organized design grid that is consistently implemented across a range of pages will aid your users in quickly finding the information they want, and will increase the reader's confidence that they are using a thoughtfully organized collection of information:

当前,在对超文本标记语言(HTML)的执行上还不存在任何“自动适应性”机制。它也不允许设计师对来自于页面层软件或常用的多媒体编辑工具中的图形进行控制。然而,如果你仔细琢磨一下HTML 标记语言的话,你会发现它可以帮助你创建复杂和高难度的功能性信息系统;如果你对HTML的使用缺乏适当性或连贯性的话,那么你会发现网络页面中的图形控制器和内置图片将显得不能相互调和,毫无层次感,并且,会出现乱作一团的后果。这种不可预料的图片和文字乱作一团的“小丑短裤”情况将大大降低整个网站的可用性和可读性。在纸张出版物中出现这种情况也会导致相同的后果。细心地规划一个设计框架,确保一组图片能够相互协调,这将帮助用户快速查找到他们所需要的信息,增加快速收集信息的信心。

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